Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Or, is FAT FATTENING?   For as long as I can remember I have been told that indeed, fat is fattening and have been fed, and then fed myself a diet that is high in grains and greens but almost no fat.  The result is that I never learned to eat properly, and put all the blame for my various health problems elsewhere.  It certainly wasn't my diet.  Or so I thought!

We are doing what we have been told to do and it is making us fat, un sick.  Like me you may be suffering with fatigue, food intolerances, constant hunger, gall bladder problem (gas bloating, acid reflux and loose stools), hypoglycemia.  I could go on.  Any of this sound familiar?

Thanks to my GF discoveries, I am rethinking my diet, and I feel fantastic and I am losing weight even though I am eating, eating, eating.

We all know that good fat is essential to our health.  They benefit our heart, normalise our blood fats and cholesterol, and minimise nerve damage (anyone out there suffer from depression, anxiety attacks etc?).   Here are a few ideas that will get you back on track fat-wise.

1. Avoid reduced fat products.  Don't be afraid to eat real food.
2. Replace Margarine  (which really is only a chemical experiment) with real, wonderful, golden butter.
   Try vegetables sweated in butter rather than drowned in water.  Asparagus especially.
3. Replace Vegetable oils with natural fats.  Coconut oil, olive oil, butter, lard, tallow.
4. Re-think your breakfast.  Alternate cereals, with a good old fashioned eggs and bacon brekkie (hold      
    off on the fried bread, gluten really is not good for you)!

If you just do this, start slowly at first - your gall bladder is probably not in the best of health - the weight will just fall off you, in a few weeks you will start proclaiming this way of eating from the rooftops.

Thank goodness I started out on "my-gluten-free-day", otherwise I would have shuffled into my old age I think.   Please join me, and let's dance through the best years of our lives.

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