Thursday, November 7, 2013


Yesterday I had a biggish breakfast, then I went out for lunch and didn't hold back (GF of course), then at tea time I was hungry again so I had a potato part steamed,  then fried in LARD (who knew), three lovely pork sausages also fried in lard, a light salad, and finished it all off with a big slice of my LONGEVITY BREAD.  At suppertime I had one of my ginger cookies.  All this adds up to a heap of calories but guess what, when I hopped on the scales this morning I was 1kg lighter than I was yesterday!!!! and not a no-fat or low-fat product in sight.

For breakfast this morning I had two fried eggs, and three sausages.  Avocado and real butter on rice crackers for lunch with a couple of slices of my own bread with real butter.  Dinner?  Fried potatoes  of course (they are heavenly), salad of course, but I am not sure what meat I will add to that.   I will let you know the weight loss.   I am off now to knit beanies for Nepal.  I have energy enough for 2 people.

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