Wednesday, January 29, 2014


First off, I have been asked about "make-your-own-yoghurt".

Let me first say that there are many variations, and I have always made mine with  plain UHT full cream or organic milk. Although I am sensitive to lactose, I'm not sensitive to yoghurt, perhaps because of all the more than friendly bacteria.  I do think you should be able to make SOY, Goat or even Rice milk yoghurt, and I will try to do this on my next batch and let you know.

The last few weeks I have bought my yoghurt because when I have been doing my usual speed-shopping, I have been able to buy Yoplait in the big 1 litre tub for 80cents (yes, 80cents) because it is past its use-by date.  This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard because with yoghurt we try to encourage bacteria....  Anyway musn't grumble, I have had a couple of amazing bargains.


1 litre of milk (you can try soy etc).  If you can get milk straight from the cow you are exceedingly lucky and use that.
Half a cup of powdered full cream milk if you want a really solid yoghurt you can slice, rather than a creamy, sloppy yoghurt.
Half a tiny tub of plain, "set" yoghurt (usually less than $2 - green and white tub, "Peters" I think, but any brand will do).  In your second batch you will use the same quantity of your first batch as a starter culture.
A glass or ceramic mixing jug or bowl,
A saucepan larger than the jug or bowl to stand the mix in overnight
and a big towel, or baby blanket.

Get your ingredients and accessories ready.
Rinse the ceramic or glass mixing bowl in very hot water.
Warm the milk up to blood heat (about the same temp as a baby's bottle) and put in the mixing bowl - if you have a microwave you can do it all in the one container.
If you are going to add the powdered milk,  prepare and add now. Take out about half a cup of the warm milk,  and mix the powdered milk in it to a cream, then add back to the milk in the bowl.
Add half a tiny tub of set yogurt,
Mix thoroughly.

The trick now is to keep the yoghurt warm.

Stand your jug or mixing bowl containing the yoghurt in a saucepan of hot but not boiling water to about half way up the bowl.  Cover the mouth of the jug with a tea towel folded double, and then wrap the saucepan (with the jug standing in the water) totally in the baby blanket or big bath towel.  Anything to keep the warmth in.

Stand somewhere warm (not in the oven) overnight or until set.  I used to have a combustion stove, and standing the yoghurt right on the coolest edge overnight was perfect.  Hardly warm, but just perfect for the yoghurt.   You can then add fruit, honey or herbs, whatever you want.

I have made this sound complex, but it is really easy once you have done it.  Remember we are dealing with good bacteria here, and we want as many as possible to survive and inhabit the yoghurt, and warmth is the key.

If for some reason your first attempt does not set, don't throw it away (and most certainly try again).  It tastes lovely instead of milk over cereals or fruit.

First make your yoghurt as above.
Then mix in whatever fruit or herbs you want to flavour the cheese with
Then hang it overnight in one of our NUT MILK BAGS (see our shop at
In the morning scoop it out into a container - it's your very own, home made, cream cheese.  You can also use supermarket yogurt past its use-by date for cheese too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Some time ago I gave you a recipe for onion jam.  Yesterday I made a batch, (another batch) for myself... It is fabulous, and so easy in the microwave.  You don't have to be exact with the measurements, but you do have to cook until the liquid is "thickish".  Not too much sugar please.  Makes it sickly.

1kg white onions peeled and cut up into thin chunks.  You can cut it up very small if you want, I cry too much!, half a cup of olive oil, 75g raisins or craisins (I use craisins), 150ml of white vinegar, 1 cup of dark brown sugar.  

Cut up the onions and pop them in a large covered bowl with the oil into the microwave.   Cook in blasts of 6minutes take out and stir.  Repeat until the onion is soft and transparent.  

Whilst that is happening put the sugar, vinegar, and craisins in a jug (a good time to clean up).  

When the onion is cooked, add the contents of jug - sugar, vinegar and craisins.  Stir it in well and microwave for about 10 minutes, then take out and stir.  Repeat until the juice is thick, and mostly absorbed.  Put in jars whilst hot, cap and leave to cool.  Refrigerate when open.

You can eat this with cheese, salad, meat - the meal can be hot or cold.  Definitely gluten free!

Talking about that.  This morning I went into Woodend, and as our usual coffe place is closed for the summer, I went to the Village Larder.  Its been ages since I coffee'd there.  I ordered a soy latte, and asked three times if their muffins supposedly gluten free, were actually gluten free.  They assured me they were, but they just looked AND TASTED absolutely fantastic.  Just like a regular muffin.

As I was paying and waxing lyrical about the muffins, the waitress asked if I had tasted the gluten free bread?  well I haven't but I can assure you I will, and when I do I will report the results here.  It's a good excuse to go out and do it, just so I can tell you of course!

Monday, January 20, 2014


After I wrote to you about the fabulous orange surface cleaner I made another batch for myself, this time I took a picture.  I will have to make it continuously because it smells quite gorgeous, and the colour of it sitting in the kitchen is beautiful as you can see.

HOW:  2 litres of cheap vinegar, the peel (not pith) of1 kg of valencia oranges. Put in a jar and leave for 2 weeks or more.  Bottle and leave in a cool place. Decant some into a spray bottle for immediate use.

That is a very large jar and holds about 4 litres.  I made half (2litres) and suggest that when you do it that you make about the same - certainly no less.  Once you smell it, and know how efficient it is (and it is VERY economical) you will use it all the time.

This is a simple GF STIR-UP.  I haven't put quantities here because you can judge for yourself,  I have used what I have made just for me.

Two handfuls of pre-cooked corn pasta, a handful of de-frosted or fresh broad beans, half a cup of chopped herbs (chocolate mint, chives, baby celery, 3 small mildish chillies,  chickory and parsley), 3 balls of baby boconcini sliced up, a sprinkle of sesame oil and a dessertspoon of coconut oil.  Put all this in your bowl and microwave it for about 1 minute, take it out, give the oils a good gentle mix-in, and then cook for another 2 minutes (check when it is done anough for you).  When you are happy with the result, sprinkle with crushed peppercorns, sprinkle liberally with dried shalotts for cruch, and then crunch away.  If you like a little tartness,  squeeze a little lemon juice on top.  Enjoy.

Monday, January 13, 2014


There is a "mocktail" and a "cocktail" version of these gorgeous GF coolers.   You can make them without the sticks, and serve them on a plate with cream and berries as a cooling dessert.

4 cups of de-seeded watermelon cubes
2 tabs of granulated sugar, 2 taspoons of lemon juice, quarter cup mint leaves minced finely, half a teaspoon of sale 1 cup of fresh or frozen blue berries and the required number of icypole sticks (or straws cut in half).  COCKTAIL VERSION - add a splash of vodka.

Combine the watermelon, sugar lemon juice (and maybe the vodka) in a food processor, blender or gradually using a large mortar and pestle.  Stir in the mint (I have a bush of Chocolate Mint which is perfect for this desseert treat),  and salt using a spatula.

Pour the mix into ice cube trays, filling each opening a bit over half full.

Spear two blueberries on the end of each icypole stick (if you use a straw, then the berries will need to be fresh not frozen).  Place each stick into a slot (blueberries head first into the mush) and then add more mush to fill the slot up.  The sticks ideally should stand up straight.  If they don't and it matters to you, part freeze the mush, the push the sticks in and pop the icypoles back into the freezer.

Freeze for about 4 hours until solid.  Flex the trays carefully to release the pops...  sometimes yanking them out by the tick is not a good idea - the stick may release by itself.


I was up at the Trading Post our postal collection centre and coffee-klatch meeting.  They asked what I wanted and I asked for iced coffee, and because I am up there a lot, I didn't say "soy".  Consequently I was given straight milk.  I am a mess.  I can't write, I am having trouble putting my thoughts together, and I feel totally weak and trembling.  Just one glass of ordinary milk!!!!   To think I used to drink it all the time.  This too will pass, I know that.  But it really teached me what i used to do to my body (without knowing) all the time.  No more real milk for me.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


I had the first peek at the hive yesterday.  It was quite warm and the bees were out doing other things, so John came over and took advantage of the warm weather to look at the production thus far.  It was better than expected.  There are hardly any big stands of flowers or blossom at the moment, everywhere is very dry, nevertheless, the bees had been hard at work.  We had quite a lot of honey.  When he pulled up the frames you could see honey in the uncapped chambers glinting in the sun.  We should get a few kilos when it is full, especially when the "super" (a box on top of the present box) is added.  We do plan a viewing on one of the Teacher Training mornings, but I won't be able to give you notice,  It will happen when conditions are right and when John is available.

I did write in my last blog about the wonderful strawberry/berry cream cheese I made.  Hoping you will too.  It was simple.  I bought a cheap "on sale" tub of yoghurt for 50cents (the big litre tub).  It was on its last used-by-day is why it was cheap I guess, not that the yoghurt bacteria care about the date on the tub!  I got one of our splendid NUT MILK BAGS,  squooshed some berries into the yoghurt,  put the yoghurt in the bag, pulled the drawstring, and hung it above a bowl overnight.  That is it.  Nothing else required.

For lunch yesterday I had three smallish gluten free pancakes with a scoop of my beautiful cream cheese, and some berries on the side.  I could have also dribbled some fantastic liquer acoss the top ("Disaronno" is perfect), but I was going out later, so I didn't do that.  It was lovely just as it was.  The berries in the picture are all from my garden - raspberries, blackcurrants, marionberries (and strawberries in the cream cheese).  Imagine the wonderful honey pancakes with my own honey.....

Friday, January 10, 2014


Hi gang,  This is my first ever photo on my blog... isn't it fabulous.

This is LABNE, made from yoghurt.   I bought a BIG tub of yoghurt from coles out of its use by date for 50cents, that's right, 50 cents!!!!  So I stirred some strawberries and blueberries into it,  put it in one of our nut bags and hung it over a bowl overnight, and look what I got, a fabulous berry cream cheese and entirely gluten free, and so easy.  You could do it too.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014


I am still recovering froma couple of slices of what was purported to be gluten free 100% rye bread.  It looked good, it  tasted fantastic - but it had a terrible effect.  I have gained about 3 k from only 2 slices.  This used to happen all the time.

I could never (and still have trouble) understand why a couple of slices of bread can make the scales go berserk, my back ache, and my guts go on the blink.  I did the ony thing I can.  I made my own.  Because Wednesday was not warm, the bread took forever to rise (I rested it on a hot water bottle in the end)  The resulting bread is a bit heavy.  However, I added heaps of seeds, and it tastes fantastic - and it will not put the weight on.  I can eat away!   Toasting is the answer.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


This blog is turning into a GUIDE TO THE SIMPLE LIFE.  I am not apologising I can assure you - its a virtue I aspire to -  a simple life.

Once your body becomes clean, why glug it up by using chemicals to clean with.  Here's a recipe for a fabulously easy ORANGE PEEL/LEMON PEEL,  HOME CLEANER.  I guarantee it is great.  I do advise you to make a huge batch because you will want to use it all the time, and you can.

INGREDIENTS ETC:  Oranges, lemons, mandarins.  Citrus fruits.  One variety or some of each. Cheapish white vinegar.  A glass jar for fermenting, a bottle to decant the cleaner into.  Cinnamon sticks and whole cloves optional.

Fill a big glass jar with orange, lemon and mandarin peels (one or all).  Add enough white vinegar to cover the peel.  Add cinnamon and cloves at this point. (If you are just using lemons instead of a mix of citrus,  add rosemary and vanilla extract).  Put the lid on and seal.  Let it sit for 2 weeks (or up to a month).

When the liquid is changing to a lovely yellow colour strain it (use your NUT MILK BAG perhaps) into an easy to use bottle, and to use decant into a smaller spray bottle.  It removes most oily, greasy spills.  If you need something stronger break out the metho.  With these two wonderful liquids you won't need to visit the supermarket for surface cleaners ever again.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Christmas is done, New Years parties are over, so it's down to business, and a time to reach for healthy food and forget the breads and cakes - even the gluten free varieties.  These fruit roll-ups are a great snack alternative.

I do have a dehydrator, and I have made fruit leather and yoghurt roll ups in the dehydrator, but if you dont have one, you can use your microwave.  This recipe makes about 25-30  TOTALLY GLUTEN FREE, small roll-ups.   This is the right time of the year for these as fruit is cheap, and plentiful.    I am picking about half a kilo morning of berries and night from my bushes - I hope you are too.

4 pears, peeled and rougly chopped,  2 cups strawberries or mixed berries also roughly chopped, plus  two and a half tablespoons of sugar.

1. Place the pears, berries and sugar in a food processor or blender and process until smooth, about one minute.  If you don't have either of these you could use a large mortar and pestle depending on the ripeness of the fruit.  I gues my "no-fuss" mum would have gone straight to number "2" below.

3. Pour the fruit puree into a medium size non-stick saucepan and bring to a rolling boil over a medium heat until the mixture had reduced to half.  This should take 5 to 6 minutes.  Remove from the heat and set aside for about 5 minutes.

4. Lightly coat a large microwave safe plate with non-stick spray, or olive oil, or coconut oil.

5. Evenly spread half (or part) of the fruit mixture over the suface of the plate.  This depends on the size of your plate.  Spreading evenly is very improtant as the mix will burn if there are thin patches or edges.  Microwave for about 5 minutes or until the mix is no longer sticky in the centre.  If you feel more cooking is needed, do it in 30 second bursts to make sure the fruit doesn't burn.

6. Repeat with the rest of the mix.  Let the two batches stand uncovered overnight to dry out.  Cut into strips, and then roll up.  Chew away.

These are fantastic for kiddies snacks or lunches.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Yes, for me they were "fartichokes", until I learned how to make "Jerusalem Artichokes Crisps".  Not even their gluten free status could get me to partake.    First off let's clarify.  Jerusalem Artichokes are not from Jerusalem, neither are they artichokes - in fact, they are sunflower tubers.

INGREDIENTS:  225g Jerusalem Artichoke Tubers scrubbed, 2tsp olive oil,  half a teaspoon crushed garlic, one eighth teaspoon of allspice, half a teaspoon of cardamom powder, one teaspoon of good salt, half a teaspoon of cumin seeds, and freshly ground black pepper and nutmeg to taste  to finish the picture.

1. Preheat your oven to 180C (or 160C if you have a convection oven).
2. Slice your tubers finely with a very sharp knife.
3. Lay out on paper towels or a tea towel for about 15 minutes, pressing down from time to time to drain all the excess liquid (this is an important step, don't cut these particular corners or you'll end up with mushy crisps).
4. In a largish bowl mix together all the spices and seasonings.
5. Add the artichokes and toss to coat.
6. Drizzle in the olive oil slowly and mix until the slices are well covered with oil and seasoning.
7. Place your slices on a baking sheet or tray only one layer deep.
8. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes or until crispy and brown.
SET ASIDE TO COOL, and then munch away...

If you don't have an oven, from "7" above can be done on a grill cycle in the microwave.  You will have to watch carefully to make sure they don't overcook.  Mine only took 7 minutes on each side (I had to turn them).  Still successful, although the oven gave better, more professional looking results.