Saturday, December 28, 2013


Took time away from the canvas today and visited Tylden Harvester for lunch.  Unfortunately Adam  had decided to close early, but that still left me heaps of time to have their fantastic Garlic Prawn Risotto (Gluten Free of course).  This is a stupendous dish.  The prawns are so fresh they explode with taste, and the risotto is not a boring rice mush.  Everything is what it is, and perfectly cooked.   The Harvester is getting a bigger and bigger GF menu, so if you like me are GF, go there.   We are having a discussion at the moment about the difference between salmon and ocean trout (whatever that is!).  They do have them in special packets at the supermarket, but they taste the same to me - they even look the same.  Are they the same.  What is "ocean trout"? Salmon?

Then because they were closing, I took myself off to Trentham, and had dessert at "Chaplins".  I had a great soy latte, and their GF chocolate slice.  I didn't intend to eat the whole thing, but it was gorgeous so I did.  The man at the next table congratulated me on finishing the chocolate mountain....  a bit of an exaggeration! (He was a bit luscious too, but obviously "occupied" with a woman who was having a hard time taking her eyes from him - I might be old, but I am not dead.  I notice these things - and luckily they are GF!).

By the way,  I met Amanda Millar at our local cafe Post Office.  Had a small chat with her and will catch up in the new year.  She is also PERSONA NON with the council because of her stand on food issues (she is the chairperson of the Diabetes Council or suchlike) so it should be a lively discussion when we do get together.

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